Announcement: Barentz & TasteStrik
The basis of effective cooperation is a shared ambition!
Dear Relation,
I am very pleased to announce the Joint Venture between Barentz International bv and Strik bv | TasteStrik©.
New collaboration often starts at the kitchen table. In this case it happened at the table in our TasteLab© in Eemnes, where Barentz and TasteStrik© expressed an ambition and put forward their collective and individual interests. In doing so, we had an important goal in mind, which is to “make sure that the relationships do not change”.
This was an important principle for Strik bv | TasteStrik© and for me personally.
A successful partnership is based on a common ambition that serves everyone’s interests. And not only that, the strength of the cooperation lies in the solutions that you come up with together, thereby reinforcing and improving each other’s strengths. I have deliberately decided to enter into a joint venture (JV) with Barentz International bv as it means that I will remain responsible for the active and strategic marketing of Strik bv | TasteStrik© in the coming years.
Some aspects will change, but the basic structure will be retained. I will remain at the helm of Strik bv | TasteStrik© with knowledge of good taste and the expertise in finding technological solutions for the European food industry. Growth is and will remain the top priority; being distinctive in the home market and in the European market remains the challenge.
In the coming years we will make the most of the individual advantages of both companies; the advantages of Barentz on the one hand and those of TasteStrik© on the other hand. The focus will remain the same and my old motto “where others stop, the Team of TasteStrik© only starts” will continue to be put into practice together. For example, our new ICT plan HelloStrik© will be ready in the coming period and we will continue to work on the professionalization of our Mixing the Finest© Factory.
TasteStrik© is a wonderful company that I have built up over the past thirty years, in part due to the support of my wife Joke. The job is not done yet, which is why I will continue with the TasteStrik© Team in the coming years. All my responsibilities and drive will remain in place. The decision to join Barentz as a professional is based on the great track record the company has built over more than 65 years, which will provide TasteStrik© with all the tools it needs to reach its own potential as a creator, manufacturer and distributor.
I would like to endorse the official message from Hidde van der Wal, CEO of Barentz International bv, and in turn I would like to say welcome to Barentz!
With taste,
Robert Strik, founder & creator