#175 | Tomorrow’sTaste© by TasteStrik©

Tomorrow’sTaste© by TasteStrik© CrocantInside!© Double Chrunch!©. Chocolate Inclusions or Decos with a Bite inside! Our Lumpy Bumpy© range is made up of a wide variety of BitesInsides. Tomorrow’sTaste© by TasteStrik© ChocChunks&Croc Inside, an in house development to create Tomorrow’sTaste©. The Tomorrow’sTaste© Factory, made in Holland, thus good! GFSI approved. Our Tomorrow’sTaste© Engineers passionately discuss, think, create, develop, test your ideas or our…

#172 | Ooops Unique Tasty Licorice Coooky Chunks, Drops, Granulates & Powder!

Unique Tasty Cookies Congrats to our FoodPartner Coppenrath Feingebäck with their Unique “Lakritz (liquorice) Coooky at the ISM new product exhibition 2020! Taste and crunchy breakthrough for the Ice Cream-, Chocolate- and Granola Industry. Now available as a Chunk, Drop & Granulate. We would also like to draw your attention to the winner of Coppenrath’s Biscuit Designer Campaign 2019: the…